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A Warrior Cats Based Roleplay with original backstories and Clans

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Character Stats, Skills & Attributes

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1Character Stats, Skills & Attributes Empty Character Stats, Skills & Attributes Wed May 01, 2024 1:33 pm



The systems and stats are not compulsory for every Thread, but will have to be used for assessments and official battles. To register a new stat, attribute or skill, please fill out the form listed in the respective Clan Information Boards as well as key it into your character's profile.

Kit: 20 HP/30 SP
Apprentice: 40 HP/60 SP
Tier 1 Warrior: 60 HP/80 SP
Tier 2 Warrior: 70 HP/100 SP
Tier 3 Warrior: 80 HP/110 SP
Tier 4 Warrior: 90 HP/120 SP
Tier 5 Warrior: 100 HP/130 SP
Tier 6 Warrior: 110 HP/140 SP
Tier 7 Warrior: 130 HP/160 SP
Tier 8 Warrior: 150 HP/180 SP
Queens: 85 HP/100 SP
Elders: 75 HP/90 SP

Tier 1 Healer: 55 HP/70 SP
Tier 2 Healer: 65 HP/80 SP
Tier 3 Healer: 75 HP/90 SP
Tier 4 Healer: 85 HP/100 SP
Tier 5 Healer: 95 HP/110 SP
Tier 6 Healer: 105 HP/120 SP
Tier 7 Healer: 110 HP/140 SP
Tier 8 Healer: 120 HP/150 SP

Tier 1 Rogue: 65 HP/90 SP
Tier 2 Rogue: 75 HP/110 SP
Tier 3 Rogue: 85 HP/120 SP
Tier 4 Rogue: 95 HP/130 SP
Tier 5 Rogue: 105 HP/140 SP
Tier 6 Rogue: 115 HP/150 SP
Tier 7 Rogue: 135 HP/170 SP

Elders and Queens will use their elder/queen stats, and should they return to their previous occupation, they will regain their previous stats.

Attributes List
Each character starts with 2 of each attribute. Upon ranking up a character to the next rank/tier, you may choose any 2 of the attribute to add an additional point to.

Scent; how well your character is able to understand their surroundings through their sense of smell
Sight; how well your character is able to understand their surroundings through their sense of sight
Listen; how well your character is able to understand their surroundings through their sense of hearing
Ponder; how well your character is able to understand their surroundings through thinking
Speed; how fast your character can be
Pounce; how high your character can jump
Focus; how well your character can focus
Strength; how strong your character is

Increasing stats:
Once a topic is completed, it may add +1 to any skill of your choosing from the applicable options. A topic can only be considered completed after a minimum of 6 posts

Hunting Thread: scent, sight, listen, focus, pounce, speed
Battle Thread: strength, pounce, speed, focus
Healing Thread: scent, sight, listen, focus
Dream Thread: focus, ponder, listen
Development Thread: listen, ponder, focus

Each topic can also offer a chance of obtaining a new skill depending on the topic's contents.. A character can only learn a maximum of 1 skill every real life month. The full list of skills are listed here:

- Alertness: your character can't be sneaked up on
- Track: your character can scent out the whereabouts of any enemy or prey
- Super Strength: your character can deal an additional +1 dmg with any attack
- Super Speed: your character takes -1 dmg per hit
- Super Stamina: your character has +10 SP
- Super Healthy: your character has +10 HP
- Super Hunter: your character can add +1 to any stat when hunting
- Twoleg Lore: your character has extensive knowledge on Twolegs
- Clan Lore: your character has extensive knowledge on the Clans
- Animal Lore: your character has extensive knowledge on animals, prey and predator alike
- Gossip: your character knows a good portion of other characters' history
- Medicine: your character is well-versed with medicine
- Spiritual: your character has a close connection with the stars, and can speak directly with them
- Climb: your character has the ability to climb trees
- Swim: your character has the ability to swim

Clan bonuses:
Clan of Weeping Willows: focus +1, ponder +1, add skill "Swim"
Clan of Twisted Brambles: strength +1, pounce +1, add skill "Climb"
Clan of Dancing Poppies: speed +1, listen +1, add skill "Super Speed"
Outsiders: scent +1, sight +1, add skill "Alertness" and "Super Hunter"

Rank bonuses:
Healers/"Fallen Stars": Focus +2, Listen +2, Ponder +2, add skill "Medicine" and "Spiritual"
Leaders/"Blessed Stars":  +20 HP, +20 SP, Ponder +2, Focus +2, add skill "Clan Lore"

2Character Stats, Skills & Attributes Empty Re: Character Stats, Skills & Attributes Wed May 22, 2024 8:55 am



Skill Requirements
In order to gain a new skill, a form must be filled out and submitted to the respective threads in each Clan under Clan Information.

- N/A; can only be bought from the Shop

- 3 Threads of being taught by another Character with the "Track" skill

Super Strength
- 20 Battle Threads
- Participated in one official battle

Super Speed
- N/A; can only be bought from the Shop

Super Stamina
- N/A; can only be bought from the Shop

Super Healthy
- Receive medication from a Twoleg in 1 Thread(Must have approval from Staff)

Super Hunter
- 20 Threads with at least 2 successful catches in each

Twoleg Lore
- Spend an extended period of time(4 irl months) with Twolegs(Must have approval from Staff)

Clan Lore
- 10 Threads listening to stories from other Character(s)

Animal Lore
- 10 Threads having non-hostile interactions with other creatures

- N/A; can only be bought from the Shop

- - 3 Threads of being taught by another Character with the "Medicine" skill

- Receive a message from the Stars in 2 different threads(Must have approval from Staff)

- 3 Threads of being taught by another Character with the "Climb" skill

- 3 Threads of being taught by another Character with the "Swim" skill

Attribute Limits
Each Attribute has a limit of 20. However, each Character may only max 3 of the 8 Attributes. The remaining 5 have a limit of 15. Characters may not change their attribute points after they have added the points.

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