Children of Star
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A Warrior Cats Based Roleplay with original backstories and Clans

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Herb Hunt System

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1Herb Hunt System Empty Herb Hunt System Wed May 22, 2024 10:19 am



Common Herbs
Each territory has different herbs that grow there, and some herbs grow better in different territories. Herbs can be traded between the Healers of each Clan.

Herb Hunts
Each Herb Hunt requires at least one Character with the "medicine" skill. At the start of each Herb Hunt, the Character with the "medicine" skill must write down a list of 6-8 possible herbs to find, and note which herbs are common and which are not. Only up to 2 herbs listed may be uncommon.

Each Character may look for herbs 2 times in a Thread. Common herbs can be found with either 6 in scent, sight or focus, or the "alertness" skill. Uncommon herbs can be found with 12 in scent, sight or focus. Uncommon herbs can only be found once by each Character.

Herb Stock
At the end of each Herb Hunt Thread, the findings must be recorded in the respective topics under each Clan in Clan Information. The Herb Stock will be diminished by usage of herbs in the Healing System. Herb Stocks that fall to less than 5 herbs with more than 20 in storage will have a penalty of -1 to all attributes and -5 HP.

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